How I Built a Chat App in React Native
React Native is an API that allows people to build apps on IOS and Android. An easy starter project is a chat app. Here is a simple tutorial.
Creating Our Server Using Firebase
We are going to use Firebase to create our server. This is a free program made by Google. Create a new app on Firebase on
I would recommend enabling Google Analytics on your app
Next, go to the authentication tab and click on the sign-in method option.
Here you can enable all the sign-in options that you would like. I would recommend using email/password and Google.
Writing Code
To start open a code editor. I would recommend using VS Code as it is very easy to use with React and React Native. Next, set up a folder with this directory structure.
Now we will connect the Chat and Main screens using react-navigation. We’ll put the following code in the App.js
import Main from './components/Main';
import Chat from './components/Chat';// Import React Navigation
import { createStackNavigator } from 'react-navigation'// Create the navigator
const navigator = createStackNavigator({
Main: { screen: Main },
Chat: { screen: Chat },
export default navigator
This code will display a header bar. Now we can add a text box for the user.
That'll be in the Main.js
import {
TextInput, // 1. <- Add this
} from 'react-native';...class Main extends React.Component {
state = { name: '' } // 2. <- Add the component state render() {
return (
placeHolder="John Cena"
}...const offset = 24;
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
nameInput: { // 3. <- Add a style for the input
height: offset * 2,
margin: offset,
paddingHorizontal: offset,
borderColor: '#111111',
borderWidth: 1,
Now we’ll update the state when the user types.
// Inside the Main component...
onChangeText = name => this.setState({ name }); // 1.
// Inside the render() method...<TextInput
onChangeText={this.onChangeText} // <- Add this
placeHolder="John Cena"
Next, we’ll add a title and a button to the screen
import {
Text, // <- Add Text
TouchableOpacity, // <- Add TouchableOpacity
} from 'react-native';...render() {
return (
<View> // 2. Add the title
<Text style={styles.title}>Enter your name:</Text>
placeHolder="John Cena"
// 3. Add a button <TouchableOpacity onPress={this.onPress}>
<Text style={styles.buttonText}>Next</Text>
}...const styles = StyleSheet.create({
title: { // 4.
marginTop: offset,
marginLeft: offset,
fontSize: offset,
buttonText: { // 5.
marginLeft: offset,
fontSize: offset,
Now we’ll add the press method.
onPress = () => {
// 1.
this.props.navigation.navigate('Chat', { name: });
You should see something like this
Chat Screen
Now we’re going to start adding to the Chat.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';class Chat extends Component {
render() {
return <View />;
}const styles = StyleSheet.create({});export default Chat;
This is some starter code to add to your Chat.js
import React from 'react';// 1.
import { GiftedChat } from 'react-native-gifted-chat';class Chat extends React.Component { // 2.
static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => ({
title: (navigation.state.params || {}).name || 'Chat!',
}); // 3.
state = {
messages: [],
render() { // 4.
return (
}export default Chat;
- Import GiftedChat. This is the component that we will use to do most of the heavy lifting.
- navigationOptions is used to configure how the navigation components (Header) look and act. We are passing an object with a title property that will set the title to either the or a default value of Chat
- Create the component state and give it a messages prop then assign it to an array.
- Replace the View with the GiftedChat component and give it our state.messages to render.
This is where we are going to add the backend that we made in Firebase. Create a Fire.js file. This is some basic code to add to the file.
class Fire {}Fire.shared = new Fire();
export default Fire;
Here we are importing and initializing Firebase. We initialize it with the API keys we get from the app
// 1.
import firebase from 'firebase'; class Fire {
constructor() {
} // 2.
init = () =>
apiKey: 'AIzaSyDLgW8QG1qO8O5WZLC1U8WaqCr5-CvEVmo',
authDomain: '',
databaseURL: '',
projectId: 'chatter-b85d7',
storageBucket: '',
messagingSenderId: '861166145757',
To read and write from the database we need to be logged in.
After initializing, call our observeAuth
- We want to get our auth, if we were signed in before then this will return a user if we weren’t then this will be null.
- onAuthStateChanged gets called as soon as firebase finds our auth.
class Fire {
constructor() {
this.init(); // 1.
} // 2.
observeAuth = () =>
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(this.onAuthStateChanged); // 3.
onAuthStateChanged = user => {
if (!user) {
try {
// 4.
} catch ({ message }) {
The following code will essentially allow us to receive messages.
// 1.
get ref() {
return firebase.database().ref('messages');
}// 2.
on = callback =>
.on('child_added', snapshot => callback(this.parse(snapshot)));// 3.
parse = snapshot => {
}// 4.
off() {;
Now we will format the data correctly by changing the shape.
parse = snapshot => { // 1.
const { timestamp: numberStamp, text, user } = snapshot.val();
const { key: _id } = snapshot; // 2.
const timestamp = new Date(numberStamp); // 3.
const message = {
return message;
Now we will create a way to send messages. We will create a timestamp for sent messages, make a send function, and save the message object with a unique ID
// 1.
get uid() {
return (firebase.auth().currentUser || {}).uid;
}// 2.
get timestamp() {
return firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP;
// 3.
send = messages => {
for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
const { text, user } = messages[i]; // 4.
const message = {
timestamp: this.timestamp,
};// 5.
append = message => this.ref.push(message);
Finally, we will add this code to our Components.js.
- We set up a callback that receives messages and then adds them to our current messages.
- When a component is not on the screen anymore we want to unsubscribe from the database
- We need to give GiftedChat a reference to our user
// 1.
componentDidMount() {
Fire.shared.on(message =>
this.setState(previousState => ({
messages: GiftedChat.append(previousState.messages, message),
}// 2.
componentWillUnmount() {;
get user() { // Return our name and our UID for GiftedChat to parse
return {
_id: Fire.shared.uid,
render() {
return (
Now you should be done! Try running the code! Thanks for reading.
Before you leave, make sure to add me on Linkedin at